Miliki hunian ekslusif impian Anda dan Keluarga. lingkungan hijau dan asri berlokasi strategis dikawasan Nagoya Batam. CIPTA RESIDENCE berada di lokasi sangat strategis,di tengah Kawasan Nagoya, Pusat Bisnis Kota Batam. Sehingga memiliki nilai investasi yang sangat berharga untuk Anda. Lokasi yang juga berada dekat dengan fasilitas umum seperti Mall, Bank dan Rumah Sakit.
Have the exclusive residence of your dreams and family. green and beautiful environment strategically located in the Nagoya area of Batam. CIPTA RESIDENCE is in a very strategic location, in the middle of the Nagoya Area, Batam City Business Center. So it has a very valuable investment value for you. The location is also close to public facilities such as malls, banks and hospitals.